Supporting another
though their grief

Supporting another through grief can be tough for many of us. What do I do, what is the best thing to say, what is the best way to support someone?

The most important help you can offer is a willing ear, for many this is easier said than done. Allow the bereaved person to talk and express their grief in whatever way they need. This may include crying, angry outbursts, screaming, laughing, expressions of guilt or regret, or engaging in activities that reduce their stress, such as walking or gardening.

You may be afraid of intruding, saying the wrong thing, or worry your presence will make matters worse at such a difficult time. Maybe you think there’s little you can do to make things better. That’s understandable but know your support and caring presence will help your loved one cope with the pain and gradually begin to heal.

Your support and caring presence will help your loved one cope with the pain and gradually begin to heal.

Also know your loved one might never get over the death of someone close. In time their pain becomes less overwhelming and there are still going to be times which may be difficult  - years or decades later. Precious friends and relatives know that they are in it for the long haul.

Our Goal

Learning how to manage your emotions and being able to support another through their grief is truly a gift. I can support and guide you with this process to gain skills in a way that will be a blessing to yourself and others.

My Qualifications


  • No, referrals are not required. If you do have a referral from a doctor or another health professional it is a good idea to bring it along to your session.

  • Sessions are $125 for a single.

    Discounted sessions are available for multiple appointments on application.

  • Medicare and Private Health rebates are not available on these sessions.

  • I would suggest making notes on anything you would like to discuss and the outcomes you would like to achieve. It would be beneficial to also note if you have worked with other health professionals or Doctors.

  • Yes, we can book to do an online Zoom session.

  • First appointments are 50-60 minutes. This will be an opportunity to meet and introduce ourselves. There may be some paperwork to complete regarding confidentiality and consent which will be explained. You will then be asked a series of questions about your background, your current situation and main concerns to learn about you and how we can help. This assessment process allows us to determine how to best progress with treatment and discuss the options with you.

  • We require 48 hours prior to a session for any cancellations. This allows us time to fill that spot for someone else that might be waiting. A fee of 50% will apply to any appointments cancelled less than 48 hours.

Let’s Chat

Book a 15 minute Complimentary Clarity Call.