‘Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened’
Anatole France

Losing a pet can have a profound impact on our entire life. Many people share an intense love and bond with their pet, for many they are a beloved family member. They gift us with boundless unconditional emotional support, they bring fun, joy, and companionship into our lives. They also provide structure, help us stay active and provide a sense of meaning and purpose.

When a pet dies, it is normal to be consumed by grief and loss.

The pain of this loss can often feel overwhelming and may bring up all sorts of painful and difficult emotions.  It can be particularly hard for people that live alone, the elderly or anyone that has a deep connection to their pet.

Some experience feelings of deep loneliness and isolation, loneliness can be one of the most painful aspects of the grieving process.  We expect to be sad, but the feeling of loneliness has its own and subtly different kind of pain.  It can be unsettling and scary. 

My purpose is to be supportive through your integration and healing journey. 

The death of a pet can sometimes be described as Disenfranchised grief, which is grief that goes that goes unacknowledged or unvalidated by social norms. This kind of grief is often minimized or not understood by others, which makes it particularly hard to process and work through.

While experiencing loss is an inevitable part of owning a pet, there are healthy ways to cope with the pain and come to terms with your grief. 

Healing does not mean forgetting, it is how we live in a world without them, how we integrate our thoughts, feelings and emotions to go on to live a healthy happy life.

My Story  - Bertie the Beagle

I am blessed to have experienced the unconditional love of Bert, my very loving, cheeky and funny beagle. He changed both myself and my world for the better.  When I needed to make the painful decision to say goodbye , the decision itself and the ensuing years were incredibly hard. There was really no-one I could turn to, which led me to the realisation that I wanted to support those like me who deeply needed help.  

 When he died I was devasted, my heart was shattered.  Today I’m a different person, I reflect with love and affection and I talk about him often with joy and share countless stories of the crazy, beautiful life we shared, along with occasional tears.

  • Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

  • Certified Holistic Counsellor

  • Certified Grief & Loss Counsellor

My Qualifications

  • Certified Raw Food Chef & Instructor

  • Certified Massage Therapist (specialising in Dr. Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage)


  • No, referrals are not required. If you do have a referral from a doctor or another health professional it is a good idea to bring it along to your session.

  • Sessions are $125 for a single.

    Discounted sessions are available for multiple appointments on application.

  • Medicare and Private Health rebates are not available on these sessions.

  • I would suggest making notes on anything you would like to discuss and the outcomes you would like to achieve. It would be beneficial to also note if you have worked with other health professionals or Doctors.

  • Yes, we can book to do an online Zoom session.

  • First appointments are 50-60 minutes. This will be an opportunity to meet and introduce ourselves. There may be some paperwork to complete regarding confidentiality and consent which will be explained. You will then be asked a series of questions about your background, your current situation and main concerns to learn about you and how we can help. This assessment process allows us to determine how to best progress with treatment and discuss the options with you.

  • We require 48 hours prior to a session for any cancellations. This allows us time to fill that spot for someone else that might be waiting. A fee of 50% will apply to any appointments cancelled less than 48 hours.

Let’s Chat

Book a 15 minute Complimentary Clarity Call.