Health Related Changes

Receiving a diagnosis is a life changing moment whether that be for yourself or a loved one.

A diagnosis of cancer, heart disease, or other serious illness can be devastating and may disrupt many aspects of your life. But there are ways to cope with the emotional distress and preserve your quality of life.

Many serious health issues seem to develop unexpectedly. You may feel overwhelmed by waves of difficult emotions—from fear and worry to profound sadness, despair, and grief—or just numb, frozen by shock or the feeling that you’ll never be able to cope. The emotional upheaval can make it difficult to function or think straight, and even lead to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

But whatever the situation or emotional response, it’s important to know that you’re not powerless. There are steps you can take to better cope with your new situation, ease the stress and mental anguish that often accompany serious illness, and find a way to navigate the challenging new journey.

When you have a serious illness it's normal to feel sad about your health and it’s natural to worry about what the future may hold or be apprehensive about certain treatments.

You may grieve the loss of your health, the loss of your identity and independence, or loss of future life plans.

As you process your diagnosis and adjust to a new “reality”, you can experience and move through different stages of emotion which will then free you up to concentrate on your physical wellbeing.

If your loved one receives a serious health diagnosis you may feel many of these emotions also. These thoughts and feelings are normal and natural, it’s not uncommon for those that are caring for another to need as much if not more support and guidance.

My Story  - Blood Cancer Diagnosis

I experienced all the above after a diagnosis of blood cancer in my 30’s. It was a difficult time and also an enlightening time. After many years of working on the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of myself I came to understand that the most important part for me and the most healing was having support emotionally and being able to process my feelings around the diagnosis. This bought on healing and also the ability and freedom to concentrate on the physical aspect that was paramount for me.

  • Certified Holistic Wellness Coach

  • Certified Holistic Counsellor

  • Certified Grief & Loss Counsellor

My Qualifications

  • Certified Raw Food Chef & Instructor

  • Certified Massage Therapist (specialising in Dr. Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage)


  • No, referrals are not required. If you do have a referral from a doctor or another health professional it is a good idea to bring it along to your session.

  • Sessions are $125 for a single.

    Discounted sessions are available for multiple appointments on application.

  • Medicare and Private Health rebates are not available on these sessions.

  • I would suggest making notes on anything you would like to discuss and the outcomes you would like to achieve. It would be beneficial to also note if you have worked with other health professionals or Doctors.

  • Yes, we can book to do an online Zoom session.

  • First appointments are 50-60 minutes. This will be an opportunity to meet and introduce ourselves. There may be some paperwork to complete regarding confidentiality and consent which will be explained. You will then be asked a series of questions about your background, your current situation and main concerns to learn about you and how we can help. This assessment process allows us to determine how to best progress with treatment and discuss the options with you.

  • We require 48 hours prior to a session for any cancellations. This allows us time to fill that spot for someone else that might be waiting. A fee of 50% will apply to any appointments cancelled less than 48 hours.

Let’s Chat

Book a 15 minute Complimentary Clarity Call.